Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ork Meganobz

Last weekend, I got around to painting up my first three Meganobz. They had tons of little bits and details to deal with. They took me about 10 hours from start to finish. Near the end, I started to get lazy and wrapped them up quickly. I could probably spend another few hours on them. 

My friend already informed me that the Big Mek has the wrong gun. So I switched it with the Nob on the right. I still have such a hard time distinguishing  weapons in 40k. 

I decided to go with the Big Mek because why not. However, this decision is forcing me to buy another box of Meganobz. Oh well. 

I got lazy on this model near the end and didn't bother to paint any of the details on his teleporta gun thingy. 

I didn't glue down any of the weapons on these models, so I have the choice to switch them out if need be. 

Overall, these were really fun models to paint and this is just one step closer to having a playable Ork army. I sill have a long ways to go, though. 

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