Monday, August 25, 2014

Malifaux Game 50 Pts: Seamus Vs. Mcmourning

When I first got into Malifaux, I went a little crazy with the crew boxes. I kind of bought all the boxes I could from my local shop and painted them up. Well, immediately I fell in love with The Guild and played a lot of games with these crews. That meant that the other crews were largely ignored. So recently, I have been making an effort to play as these crews. This time around, I decided to try Seamus. 

Now, I haven't purchased any other Resurrectionists blister packs. So I just had the base set. We decided to play a 50 point game, so I borrowed 3 punk zombies from a friend to fill out the crew. 

Turn 1 was great. I really felt like I was using the crew's abilities as intended. On turn 1, my opponent sped up Franky and had him move to about the center of the table. I used this as an opportunity to get Franky out of position and to put a lot of early damage on his tank. 

Franky did manage to sop up a lot of wounds, but he inevitably died just a few moves into turn 2. 

Turn two presented me with an opportunity to quickly pop McMourning. My opponent moved McMourning to the second floor to the left of Seamus. Since these walls are climbable, I decided to rush Seamus over the wall to take a shot at the doctor. After that, I brought my totem in and put a ton more damage on him. 

I really felt that I was in control of this game. And this is when it all went to shit. 

My opponent quickly reacted by bringing in reinforcements to help out the doctor. I ended up cluttering up my crew and separating the punk zombies and Seamus from my belles. 

Turn 3 would be a poisonous blood bath for me. 

Our focus on turn 3 was all about this cluster ****. I was hell bent on finishing off McMourning. Maybe too much so. I ended up using the punk zombie to get at McMourning to do the last point of damage. When I did that, my opponent moved in the poisonous dogs and gave most of my crew poison 2. With Sebastian also in the room, that meant I was taking 3 damage on activation and 3 damage at the end of the turn. 

From this point, the game turned into him running the schemes and me scrambling to kill Sebastian. 

In the end, the game's score was 9-1 for my opponent. I foolishly took breakthrough, which didn't net me anything and I also took Make them Suffer, which only scored me a single point. 

As for the main scenario, we did one of the story encounters. My objective was to kill his master and 2 henchmen. I managed to get 2/3 done, but that didn't give any points. 

I learned a lot about both crews this game and I am eager to try out Seamus again. 

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