Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ork Boyz

My vacation plans this week went to shit, so I ended up having quite a bit of extra free time on my hands. 

So, I put together my ten ork boyz. I am still not too sure what loadouts to give them, so I decided to magnetize one of their arms. I figured that they would always be using a choppa, so that arm didn't matter. 

Because I magnetized the arms, there are some obvious lines on some if the models. I tried to cover up most of the shoulder to arm joints with shoulder armor, but I couldn't do that with the power claw guy in the model. Oh well, I guess that is the price of being ableto switch his arms. 

All of the slugga arms come off and I have their shoota arms all painted up, too.  

I tried to vary up each model by using different greens and browns on each one. Of course, I got a bit lazy near the end. 

Dark picture...

I also drilled each gun barrel and gave each ork a nice coating of rust, wear and blood. 

I also tried giving them some blue war paint randomly. 

Most of the models don't look as dark as they do in these pictures. I still haven't gotten the lighting to work well in my house when taking pictures. 

So, here is my overall ork army so far. 

I still have a lot of work to do, but at least there has been progress. 

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