Sunday, June 29, 2014

Mei Feng Box (Ugh)

I am not too happy with this one. I am not sure if it was my color choices, the execution, the speed which I finished them in or just the models themselves, but something just didn't jive with me. 

I actually painted all 6 of these models at the same time. Assembly was where I had the first issues. Some of their arms (especially Mei Feng's left arm) just wouldn't go together well. Either way, I was off to a bad start. 

Next, I decided that I didn't want to go with the typical orange color scheme. It looks good, but I have seen too many models that look the same. 

So, I decided blue was the best bet for their pants.  I figured they could be dressed in denim. 

Well, here they are. After I chose blue, I wasn't sure what color to go with next. I ended up playing a bit of Star Ocean on my PS3 and one character has a blue and pink outfit. Pink!  Of course that'll work. So I splashed pink on them. 

I don't think that the pink turned out horribly; but it just isn't exactly what I wanted in the end. I should have gone with a lighter color. 

Mei Feng was my least favorite to paint. I kept missing parts of her skin, especially around her neck and shoulders. And I also don't like how her shirt hangs under her armpits. Next, you'll notice a load of blood on her left arm...that is to cover up the messed up arm connection. 

Finally, her face!  It is just too plain and I cannot be bothered to make her look prettier. 

I am actually the happiest with this guy. His skin turned out well, I think. But, I couldn't quite get the pink to work on the chest part. I ended up going over it a few times and the paint ended up being thick in that part. 

Hmm, the silver streak on his waist...didn't notice that until just now. Damn. 

The main issue I had with the three rail workers were breaking pieces. I snapped off a few arms and the one guys bandana a few times. This just annoyed me to no end. 

But, they were basic and after I decided on blue and pink, the rest of them were easy to finish. 

The flame was my last model. It was rushed and I just dry brushed it. 

So, overall, this box only took me a few hours to paint. I did it "assembly line style" and was watching a speed running stream while doing them. I bought this box fairly impulsively a few weeks back and don't really have any connection to the crew or faction. I am not sure if they will ever see the light of day after this. 

Next up is Seamus. I assembled his box last night and those damn Belles were also a pain to put together. Maybe I should just go back to beasts and fat dwarfs. 

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