Monday, June 23, 2014

Da Clash! Pr. Minus

Pr. Minus was my next Da Clash! model. Unfortunately, Minus was the one miniature that was missing a piece when I got my order. His right hand was not in the box and instead of trying to get a replacement, I just decided to green stuff a tentacle.  

I went with a tentacle because I feel like the professor is mutating in some way. He already has something strange going on with his head and the model already has a tentacle crawling out of his coat pocket. Who is to say that the pocket tentacle isn't growing out of his hip?  

Well, here he is. 

I tried to be a bit more colorful with this model. For his lab coat, I decided to not go with a bright white and instead a dirty gray. It was just easier to do. 

His skin tone is a bit red. A friend told me to mix a little red into my skin tones to give them a bit of more realistic tone. I certainly see the merit in doing this, but I think in this model's case, I didn't drybrush enough with a lighter skin tone.  I actually still like the way the reddish skin turned out personally. 

So, Primus is done and I think I will get to the executioner tonight. 

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