Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Da Clash! Franky, Norbit, and Raoul

I had a bit of extra time yesterday. That meant I had more painting time. I was able to pound out the last three Da Clash! models. 

I painted up Norbit, Franky and Raoul. 

Norbit and Raoul were awesome to paint and I think they turned out very well. 

Norbit presented me with my first opportunity to paint a chibi style eye. I hate painting eyes. I am not very good at it and most of the time, my brushes are not sharp enough to paint the eye well. So, when I was presented with this massive eye, I knew I had to try something different. 

I looked up a few examples online and basically just followed the pictures. In the end, the eye turned out quite nice. It is not as round as I would like it to be and the color transition is not the best; but, for a first try, I am very happy with him. 

Raoul was next. 

I just purchased some new blue paints to do denim with and I decided to try them out first with Raoul. I really think I nailed the clothes on this model. 

My only slight regret with Raoul is the dark brown I used for his hood and the blood on his axe. I don't think either turned out ideally. 

The last model was Franky. 

I actually assembled Franky first and had intended to paint him first. But, as I looked at him more and more, I could not decide what colors to use for his costume. 

I ended up going with blue, green and pink for his costume. I am not too sure if this was the correct color scheme or not. 

Franky was actually painted very quickly. I think I mostly just wanted to get him done. 

So, all 7 Da Clash models are done and now I just have to actually try out the game. 

These characters were all very different from what I am used to and I think they were great for trying out some new things. 

As of right now, I am unsure if I am going to purchase any more of the characters. I think that mostly depends on whether or not I like the game. 

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