Monday, May 12, 2014

Malifaux Terrain (Gallows)


I got the rope tied up nicely and put on the gallows. I think the scale actually worked. 

And for fun. 


My second terrain project for Malifaux was building a gallow. 

When I originally started looking for terrain ideas for Malifaux, the first thing I came across was a YouTube tutorial on how to build a gallow. 

It looked awesome and not too hard, so I decided to make my own. I didn't end up copying every aspect of the tutorial, but the overall idea is the same. 

It took me about 90 minutes to put all the wood together. I had a hell of a time making stairs, as I have zero experience making stairs. After a few failed attempts, I decided to just go with stacked wood. I haven't connected the wooden stairs and I don't think I will. Maybe I will build better stairs one day and just use the stack of wood as...well...a stack of wood. 

I also made a few stools out of green stuff. I wanted to put one of the stools on its side, but I got lazy and decided to not put much effort into the details on the bottom sides of each stool. 

The painting took me about another 90 minutes. I feel that 3 hours was pretty good for this piece. 

The last part I have to add is two nooses. I wasn't sure how to do it at home with the supplies I had. So I went to the craft shop near my school and bought the thinnest rope I could get. This is the result. 

They may be a little too thick, but I think they will do until I can find something a bit thinner. 

Unfortunately, I now have to wait until I finish work to find out about the sizes. 

I have also decided to start building the special rule terrain from the Malifaux scenarios. There are 12 pieces (I think) and they should be pretty fun to put together. 

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