Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Malifaux Sorrows Pt. 2

have finally finished painting my three sorrows. Before I started painting them, I decided to take my time with them and paint them one at a time. 

From this, I have leaned that keeping a consistent paint scheme across these models is very hard when you complete them one at a time. 

Here they are. 

The biggest issue is the third one's skin. It is obviously much darker. I think the reason is a combination of three things. 1) the green/tan skin color was too dark. 2) I went a bit heavy with the wash. 3) I didn't wipe away the wash quick enough to create the wasting away effect. 

The one good thing is that I kept the green ghostly mist fairly consistent and I am happy with that. 

Overall, they were pretty fun to put together and to paint. They were my first ghostly figures and I think I learned quite a bit from them. I will be able to apply this experience to other things later. 

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