Sunday, May 25, 2014

Guild Pistoleros

The latest blister I painted was my Guild pistoleros. I have been looking for some cheap units to fill out my Perdita crew when playing 50 point games. 

I have tried playing Wastrels with her, but I did not really like them. 

I have also tried using Death Marshals. They worked quite well, but they weren't ideals. 

So, I decided to buy a pack of Pistoleros. I managed to get them painted up this Sunday night. 

I had a few issues with various things. The biggest issue I had was when rushing their bases. I put on far too much paint for one thing. I also slipped with the guy in the middle and ended up painting mud all across his body. I also had a number of issues with the girl's blue shirt. 

My local shop hasn't restocked in a long time and I haven't been able to get my hands on a brown GW wash. So I have been trying other brown and black washes and they aren't working as I would like them to. 

I put excessive flock on each of these bases to cover up the hole in the middle. I have been building mostly the new plastic Malifaux models which don't have the support piece on the bottom of the models. I had overlooked it with these metal models and the mud started to sink in. 

The next model I will be working on is my Executioner. I already put him together. The main thing I don't like about the model so far is the wires that connect his hands to his backpack. The wires didn't match up perfectly and I have to use green stuff to fill in some rather large gaps. I think I will use rust and blood to cover up these imperfections. 

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