Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Firestorm Armada Pt. 2

I have continued messing around with the Firestorm Armada ships I bought last weekend.

It is quite fun to play with masking tape and the airbrush. 

Last night, I painted the largest ship from the starter set. I wanted to do something pointy. So I went with a teeth inspired paint job. I think it turned out much better than the first model. 

The paint on this model just seems smoother to me than the last model. The only slight issue I have with this model can be seen in the next picture. 

On the triangles on the right side, there is some slight overspray with the white, particularly on the third triangle. 

This is likely because I didn't secure the masking tape tightly enough. It is certainly a good learning experience though. 

One big difference between this model and my last is that the model is cleaner. I rushed the first model and it had a number of mould marks and excess resin that was left over from the manufacturing. I haven't noticed any marks like that one this model. 

At first, I was worried about using tape. The first time I used tape, I peeled off some of the paint. I have since started using varnish before going to the tape step. The results have been excellent and I am now much more motivated to try using it more in the future. 

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