Monday, April 28, 2014

Avatars of War Pt. 4

I have finally finished up my last Avatars of War dwarf model. I was really excited to paint these models when I first heard about them, but my interest in them and also in dwarfs has been declining. 

*Scroll down to skip my rambling*

I first started painting Warhammer Fantasy dwarfs in March. A bunch of the guys at the shop I go to wanted to start a league. I have always tried to get interested in a GW game, but something always tears me away from it. 

The first models I ever bought were 40K Space Marines. After spending a lot of money, I only ever ended up playing a handful of games. I didn't enjoy the game or the players :(

Now, I am finding myself in a similar situation with WH:F. I like the players, but I don't get much excitement from the game. It feels bland and overly complex.  After a game of Fantasy, I usually feel tired and either discouraged, bored or just bad. Most of the games I have played are either a stomping, really bad dice, really good dice or outrageous units. None of these elements tend to add excitement to the game for me. 

When I play a game like Malifaux, every turn has tons of fun and exciting moments. The opposed duels, the interesting character abilities and the seemingly good balance of the game really helps with enjoyment. 

So, my interest really started to fade this month and my dwarfs were ignore. I also feel that I didn't do as great a job on the Avatars of War models as I had hoped. 
Here is the last one: 

He still looks like an absolute badass, but I didn't put much effort into the finer details. 

I am sure I will end up finishing off my dwarf army, but I am highly doubtful that I will ever buy into another GW army again. 

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