Sunday, February 23, 2014

Warhammer Dwarfs: Ironbreaker

So this weekend I took a break from Malifaux. A friend of mine is leaving Korea very soon and last weekend was his last weekend. So we decided to get together and play a few games of Infinity against him. We each took a round against him and overall, it turned out to be a pretty good day. 

While I was at the shop, I started lingering. This brought me to the Warhammer Fantasy section. I had started putting together an Orcs and Goblins army some time ago, but I never really stuck with it. The shop I go to rarely stocks the orcs I need and I never really wanted them badly enough to order them. 

But I have been thinking about starting a different faction for a long time. Wood Elves certainly appealed to me, but after hearing about the way the current game is now, I don't think they would be much fun. I also thought High Elves looked kind of neat. I have always liked the idea of highly organized and disciplined ranks of warriors. I just couldn't get over the fact that they were elves, though. Sissies. 

I mules over a few other factions and sadly the only ones that seemed neat to me were either useless or played heavily by friends. I don't like using armies others play. 

But then I noticed the new dwarfs. I had no idea they were coming out. I don't stay current on GW news. About two years ago, I had started a dwarf army in Canada. I thought they looked awesome and fit my play style. Nothing materialized from that investment and I just simply painted them and stored them away. 

Now, however, I am playing games much more than I did in Canada and the new dwarfs seem to scream at me. BUY ME!

So I did. I ended up walking away with a box of the new Ironbreakers. These models just look fantastic to me. 

I love painting metallics, which is another huge plus to me. 

Here is the result of my first night. 

I am super happy with how he turned out. I also had a lot of fun painting him up. I will likely finish up another 4 tonight and get to work on the next 5 later this week. 


  1. How did you paint them? Colours and steps please?

  2. I really wish I could tell you, but I painted these so long ago. I know I airbrushed them with Leadblelcher and then Ironbreaker. The detailing on the armor is Screaming Bell. Finally Burnished Gold was used for the gold details. The green was just some green bottle that I picked up from my GW paint collection.
