Thursday, February 13, 2014

Making Bases

I decided to try my hand at making bases. 

Typically, I have always just used mud or some kind of dirt for my bases. I have also used static grass before; but when I used that grass in the past, I usually just covered the whole base. 

This time, I decided to try and make some stones out of some putty stuff I bought as a substitute for green stuff. 

The putty I used wasn't hard and pliable like you would imagine. Instead, it was the consistency of white glue that was about to dry. So as I applied it, it was a little tricky to move around and shape as I wanted it. 

Instead, I just let the putty smooth out naturally on the base as it dried. After a few hours, I took a file to it and carved out stones as best I could. 

I then painted up the rocks and applied grass to the base. My idea was to make it look like the grass was growing up between the rocks in an overgrowth fashion. 

Unfortunately, the PVA glue that I used definitely shows with a weird shine. Other than that, I am happy with the results. 

I learned a lot from this experiment and I am excited to try a slightly different approach next time. 

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