Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ironbreakers Pt. 3

I finished up my last 5 ironbreakers last night. Overall, they turned out well. I really messed up on the first banner and ended up doing it all over again. 

I am still not fully pleased with the banner. Eventually I will add some runes to it once I figure out which work best for my army. I was also disappointed with my lack of cleaning when it came to the face of the hammers. I should have cleaned them much better. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Ironbreakers Pt. 2

Here is a very quick picture of 5 of my Ironbreakers. I haven't finished the bases yet since I am not sure how I will do them. They will likely be simply bases, possibly even just black. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Warhammer Dwarfs: Ironbreaker

So this weekend I took a break from Malifaux. A friend of mine is leaving Korea very soon and last weekend was his last weekend. So we decided to get together and play a few games of Infinity against him. We each took a round against him and overall, it turned out to be a pretty good day. 

While I was at the shop, I started lingering. This brought me to the Warhammer Fantasy section. I had started putting together an Orcs and Goblins army some time ago, but I never really stuck with it. The shop I go to rarely stocks the orcs I need and I never really wanted them badly enough to order them. 

But I have been thinking about starting a different faction for a long time. Wood Elves certainly appealed to me, but after hearing about the way the current game is now, I don't think they would be much fun. I also thought High Elves looked kind of neat. I have always liked the idea of highly organized and disciplined ranks of warriors. I just couldn't get over the fact that they were elves, though. Sissies. 

I mules over a few other factions and sadly the only ones that seemed neat to me were either useless or played heavily by friends. I don't like using armies others play. 

But then I noticed the new dwarfs. I had no idea they were coming out. I don't stay current on GW news. About two years ago, I had started a dwarf army in Canada. I thought they looked awesome and fit my play style. Nothing materialized from that investment and I just simply painted them and stored them away. 

Now, however, I am playing games much more than I did in Canada and the new dwarfs seem to scream at me. BUY ME!

So I did. I ended up walking away with a box of the new Ironbreakers. These models just look fantastic to me. 

I love painting metallics, which is another huge plus to me. 

Here is the result of my first night. 

I am super happy with how he turned out. I also had a lot of fun painting him up. I will likely finish up another 4 tonight and get to work on the next 5 later this week. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Perdita vs. Tara

Last Sunday, I was a little sick. I have been sick all week in fact and really haven't gotten much painting done at all. 

Since I was sick on Sunday, I only managed to get one game of Malifaux in. I played my first 50 point game as Perdita against a Tara crew. 

My crew consisted of Perdita's standard family plus Sidir from the Relic Hunters box and also the Warden. I added these two models to simply try them out since their wave two card were released just a week before. 

The first round of the game consisted of us just moving forward. However, the Tara player's last turn was the reactivate Tara and rush her headlong toward my crew. 

I then spent all of round two unloading all of my ammo to try and take Tara down. 

She did eventually fall, but it took a lot of effort. She basically stole my second round. 

My opponent then used the rest of this turn to move in. 

It was on turn three that the game swung in my favor. I managed to get Papa Loco into the middle of about 60-70% of his remaining army. 

Loco lit the fuse on his dynamite and blew himself up, crippling much of my opponent army and his control hand. 

The game carried on and because of a careless move by me to bring Perdita in close to my opponent, we ended up tying. My stupidity allowed my opponent to Deliver a Message to Perdita. 

Overall, the game was a blast and our ending scores were 6-6. I could have won the game had I done a few things differently.  I don't think I was thinking as clearly as I could have been due to my illness. It was still super fun and a great day overall. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Making Bases

I decided to try my hand at making bases. 

Typically, I have always just used mud or some kind of dirt for my bases. I have also used static grass before; but when I used that grass in the past, I usually just covered the whole base. 

This time, I decided to try and make some stones out of some putty stuff I bought as a substitute for green stuff. 

The putty I used wasn't hard and pliable like you would imagine. Instead, it was the consistency of white glue that was about to dry. So as I applied it, it was a little tricky to move around and shape as I wanted it. 

Instead, I just let the putty smooth out naturally on the base as it dried. After a few hours, I took a file to it and carved out stones as best I could. 

I then painted up the rocks and applied grass to the base. My idea was to make it look like the grass was growing up between the rocks in an overgrowth fashion. 

Unfortunately, the PVA glue that I used definitely shows with a weird shine. Other than that, I am happy with the results. 

I learned a lot from this experiment and I am excited to try a slightly different approach next time. 

My Riddler Wastrel

My mornings have been quite productive painting wise this week. I woke up early and got a jump on this character. 

Yesterday, when I was looking at some pictures, I couldn't help but think that one of the Wastrel sculpts looked an awful lot like The Riddler. 

So I slept on it and this morning I decided to go for it. 

I originally messed up when gluing him down the first time. I glued it so his two feet touched the ground instead of the pickaxe. I realized my mistake and had to correct it. 

I don't have a lot of experience free hand painting, but I think the ? on his back turned out fairly well. 

Overall, I am happy with how this model turned out. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sidir Alchibal

I spent about 2-3 hours on this one model yesterday. 

I recently made the decision to take my time with each model and not to rush them as I had been doing recently. One big issue I have had is with my color choices. 

This time, I decided to do a bit of research on the model before I started. I also came up with a game plan before starting to paint. 

The end result was a better than it had been recently. I am actually really happy with how this model turned out.  I have since noticed a few things I have to touch up after examining this photos. 

This guy is from the Relic Hunters box set. I bought the set because I thought some of the models would work well with Perdita or Lady Justice. 

Hopefully I will get to try this guy out with Perdita this weekend. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Malifaux Weekend Summary 1

I managed to get in a few games of Malifaux this Sunday. The club I currently play Malifaux at is doing an achievement league throughout the month of February. I started off strong last weekend and was excited to continue the league last weekend. 

I played two matches. The first was my Lady Justice vs. my good friend's Rasputina. 

This was the first time for me to play as Lady Justice. I used her base 2ed box set. I also did not take the time to even read her cards before the game so everything was being learned on the fly (the perfect way to learn about your army in my opinion).  I also had never faced off against Rasputina before. My friend had warned me about her prior to Sunday, but the dumbass in me ignored those warnings for whatever reason. I think it mostly comes down to me not liking spoilers. I want to experience it all first hand. And did I ever experience it!

Here are a few pictures of the table and the initial set up. 

My crew. 

Overview of the table. 

These three want to charge up the middle.

The marshal on the left will provide support and the marshal on the right is the objective hunter. 

We were doing the Reckoning scenario. My side objectives were assassination (in hindsight a poor choice) and breakthrough. 

My initial idea was the run my death marshal up the side to flank in and complete breakthrough. Surprisingly, this was the only tactic that worked out for me. Haha. I also planned to run the Judge and LJ up the middle. 

During the first turn, I was distracted , though. 

The Rasputina player deployed some guy with a spear gun (can't remember the name) just behind the house on the left side of my deployment. In the end, he turned out to be bait and I took it. I sent LJ to the left along with a death marshal and the scales of Justice. This left my Judge alone in the middle. 

After doing a double move with the Judge to the center of the table, I found out what Rasputina is all about. 

My friend lined up a gamin in the perfect spot for Rasputina to launch three nukes at my Judge on turn one. It was messy and the Judge fell without much effort. 

The game progressed with me struggling along. He swarmed objectives with his gamin and continued to pick off members of my army.  It was at this time that I changed my game plan and just focused on the achievements I could get for the league. One objective was getting a straight or flush in your control hand and keeping it until the end of the game. I managed to pull off a flush. Which was great, however, it meant no more cheating. 

Bolts of ice flew around the table from this point and simply smashed apart my army. They were vanquished.  I managed a few points, however, the Rasuptina player pulled off both his side objectives. 

I learned a lot about both armies. The game ended up being a lot of fun in the end and the experience I gained was invaluable. The next time I meet Rasputina in battle, I will have her head!

The second game I played was a demo for a new player and nothing too important to mention. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lady Justice and Her Crew

I have been painting a ton of Malifaux stuff lately and here is the latest set I have finished.

It is the full Lady Justice starter including 3 death marshals, Scales of Justice, the Judge and Lady Justice. 

For the most part, this box was fun. I enjoyed every model except for Lady Justice. I found her very hard to put together and difficult to paint. I am not fully pleased with how she turned out. 

I think the rest of the models turned out very well, though. 

The three death marshals. I was a little unsure about using grass for the bases, but I ended up liking the look of it in the end. 

This guy was actually my favorite to paint. He was very simple, but just an awesome looking model. 

I did finish this base, but forgot to take a fresh picture of the model. 

I think it was my choice to go with the dark blue pants that didn't work with this model. I am sure I could change it up a bit, but she is good enough for now. 

Now it is time to play with these models. They should be hitting the table on Sunday!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Malifaux: Scales of Justice

It has been a while since I finished painting anything. I spent a lot of the last week assembling and playing. 

But I did manage to finish one Malifaux model last night. 

This is Scales of Justice. It is a rather nasty looking model. 

*excuse the unfinished base*

More Malifaux is to come since I am really enjoying the game right now.