Monday, March 9, 2015

Saburo and Satsuki

I am finally done with my Bushido models. The last two models were rushed and didnt turn out well, especially Satsuki (ugh I hate this model). 

I screwed up a lot with her. First, when I put her together, I had a lot of issues with her arms. Second, for some stupid reason, I base coated her black. That made the skin much more annoying. Finally, I just don't like the model. So I rushed to get her done and basically quit the half assed job in the middle. 

Ugh, terrible. Whatever, she is finished  and will likely be put in a case and forgotten about. 

Saburo was also painted quickly, but turned out better. I think I've burnt out a bit on painting these small metal minis. I've done quite a few of them over the past 10 days and it is time for a break. 

These are all the models I managed to finish over this last painting spree. 

Overall, I am happy with most of the models. I did really enjoy painting most of the Bushido models I purchased. 

I still have another few blisters that are unassembled on my shelf but I don't think I'll get to them soon. I bought them for a friend who ended up not wanting them. I also have the starter Savage Wave box coming soon. I wanted to buy that a long time ago but it was never in stock. That will likely be the next Bushido project I get to. Just not sure when. 

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