Monday, March 23, 2015

Savage Wave Starter

I finally got my hands on the Savage Wave starter box. It was always out of stock. 

After painting the Maggoth Lord, I wanted to take a break. However, one of my friends finally said that he wanted to try out Bushido this coming Sunday. So I decided to rush the starter box. 

Now that it is finished, I am going to take a break from painting. Play some games. Clean up all my supplies. Maybe even buy a new airbrush next paycheck since my current one is having issues. 

But a break is needed nonetheless. 

Here is Zuba. 

These are dark photos because the lightbulb in my lamp blew this morning and I was too lazy to go to the store. 

And here is a shitty photo of his Bakemono. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

My Maggoth Lord

After spending so much time building small models from Bushido and Infinity, I decided it was time for a new style of model. I don't really play WH:F, but I do love their models, especially the new bigger models they have been releasing. 

So, I grabbed a Maggoth Lord box a few weeks ago and have been working on it since. 

The big model has been a nice change. It has given me so much more room to work. 

I spent quite a bit of time green stuffing some cracks and based it in a light brown color. 

I went with green skin simply because I like using green. I also used a skin tone for his stomach, but then later went a bit heavy with the red guts. Oh well. 

I wanted to darken the areas around his wounds and pimples. It was a little darker than I had wanted as I wanted a redder tint. I later went over each spot with a light red drybrushing. 

I spent quite a bit of time going over each pimple. I did four or five coats with yellow/green mixtures and then I finished with the Nurgle Rot paint. 

The Maggoth was pretty much done at this point. I then magnetized his mouth and the lords waist. 

I plan to paint all three lords, but as of now, I have just this green guy done. 

Last night, I spent some time doing a quick base and this is where the model is currently at. 

This has certainly been the longest amount of time I've spent on a single model. I think I am around 20 hours so far. I will get the other lords done, but not this week. 

Overall, it was super fun to do this model and I think it is one of my best looking models. I think I'll be buying more GW models in the future for fun painting project...and who knows...maybe even a nurgle army. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Saburo and Satsuki

I am finally done with my Bushido models. The last two models were rushed and didnt turn out well, especially Satsuki (ugh I hate this model). 

I screwed up a lot with her. First, when I put her together, I had a lot of issues with her arms. Second, for some stupid reason, I base coated her black. That made the skin much more annoying. Finally, I just don't like the model. So I rushed to get her done and basically quit the half assed job in the middle. 

Ugh, terrible. Whatever, she is finished  and will likely be put in a case and forgotten about. 

Saburo was also painted quickly, but turned out better. I think I've burnt out a bit on painting these small metal minis. I've done quite a few of them over the past 10 days and it is time for a break. 

These are all the models I managed to finish over this last painting spree. 

Overall, I am happy with most of the models. I did really enjoy painting most of the Bushido models I purchased. 

I still have another few blisters that are unassembled on my shelf but I don't think I'll get to them soon. I bought them for a friend who ended up not wanting them. I also have the starter Savage Wave box coming soon. I wanted to buy that a long time ago but it was never in stock. That will likely be the next Bushido project I get to. Just not sure when. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Yukio Kushimori and Golden Sentinel

I managed to get two more Bushido models painted this weekend. 

The first was Yukio. This model is another multi faction model. I believe he can be played in three different factions. 

This model was a nice change of pace, as the majority of the model was a single color. This allowed me to quickly do all the blue with an airbrush. 

The other model I completed was a Golden Sentinel. Again, this is a multi faction model. 

This model was fairly quick as well since so much of it is armor. I just went with pure golden armor to suit his name. 

Both of these models were very fun to paint. The detail on these models' faces is fantastic. 

The next and probably last two Bushido models I will paint for a little while will be two Ito Clan models. Time to get out my green!

Saturday, March 7, 2015


I forgot about this model. I painted the green onto this model months and months ago. 

I am not very good at painting animals at all. I just haven't had enough experience. Well, I sat down this afternoon and finished this one off. 

It's done...which is good enough for me. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Taisho Tenbatsu

About 5 months ago, I assembled a bunch of Bushido models. Those models have been hiding in a foam case since then. Well, I am now trying to finish them all and yesterday, I completed Taisho. 

This is a pretty interesting model. He is a dual faction model. He is also massive compared to other human models in Bushido. Typically, the humans in this game are around 2 inches tall (I think). Well, this particular model is nearly 3.5 inches it seems. 

Taisho also has another interesting concept. He is either being corrupted or atleast empowered by some spirits. The right side of his body has small tentacle like things all over it. The armor and cloth is also quite tattered on that side. 

I really wasn't sure how to show this, but I ended up doing a drybrushing of purple followed by pink on the tentacle things and in some of the holes. 

I actually painted this model quite quickly. I did it in under two hours and I am very happy with the end result. 

This was another model that I was a little afraid of. It has a lot of details and strange things happening on it. 

Well, 4 more unpainted Bushido models to go!


I have been trying to finish up all the assembled models I have around the house. Last night, I did Boba. 

This Oni took me a lot less time than my last one. I think I spent around 2 hours on it. The result is good, but I still haven't gotten the red skin results that I want. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Okina and Oto

Another Bushido bakemono model that I did a few weeks ago. 

This one was very difficult and ended up being a bit rushed.