Sunday, February 8, 2015

Kemono and Ushi (Bushido Savage Wave)

After spending the past two weeks pounding out Morat models for Infinity, I decided to do something a bit different. 

Currently, I have a shelf full of Bushido and Malifaux models that are still in their boxes. I likely won't be playing either of those games in the foreseeable future since the friend that I did play those games with left Korea a number of months ago. 

But, I did keep the models and I decided that I would build them when I wanted a cool painting project that I could take my time with. 

So, I cracked open one of my Savage Wave blisters and focused on doing a really good paint job. 

I chose Kemono and Ushi, the Oni twins, as I call them. 

I have always really liked the Savage Wave models and had hoped to really get into their army. Unfortunately, things just didn't work out. 

This model is relatively big and he is super heavy (as he is a big chunk of metal). 

I quickly built a rock base with cork for him and based him black. Unfortunately, I didn't clean the model nearly as well as I should have and there were some mold lines that I noticed later on. 

I spent a lot of time trying to get his skin right. I had about 6 or 7 different tones of red that I used. I also tried shading with brown washes where I could. 

Shortly after I took this picture, I dropped the model. His right arm ended up breaking off. I reattached it, but there is a noticeable mark just under his arm armor. 

After I was happy with the skin, I started adding color. 

It was a slow process since I really wanted to paint this model well. I went slowly, tried to wash when I wanted shades and then built up the colors again. 

I was really happy with the eyes. Lately I've been having troubles with eyes as they are generally too small on a lot of models. I just bought some new brushes, so I was able to get a really nice point for these eyes. 

And here is the final model. I tried a new thing on the base. I had seen people say you could make reeds out of old paint brushes. So, I cut up some bristle and made these. I also tried some water effects paint that I have had for a long time, but didn't have a good opportunity to use. 

Overall, I think this is one of the best models I have turned out. Not only does he look cool (especially in my eyes), but he was also super fun to paint. I think I spent between 8 and 10 hours painting the model. It is a bit of a shame that I won't likely be using the model in the near future...but who knows, maybe something will change. 

My next painting project is more PlanetFall stuff. My Soryilian heavy support box arrived yesterday!

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