I decided to keep a fairly similar color scheme to my other units with the Daturazi. They have blue hair and red skin.
Assembling the models was quite a pain in the ass. Their ponytails were annoying and their tabards just didn't line up very well to the models. This lead to a very frustrating assembly that resulted in gaps and glue marks all over the models.
I pushed passed that and tried to fix up a few things with green stuff. I then decided to just get to painting them. The models turned out fairly well while painting them and I really only had issues on their tabards.
This is what they currently look like. I splashed a big glob of blood on each of their tabards to cover up the horrible connections. I figure I can just say they wipe off the blood from their swords on their tabards.
After I finished these models the first time, I sent a picture to a friend. He encouraged me to add tattoos to them. This was the biggest mistake that I made with these models. I ended up painting horrible black tattoos on each of their arms. I really messed up at this part. I ended up reprinting their arms and deciding not to tattoo them.
Now, their arms are okay, however, their skin tone is not as good as it once was.
Here they are individually.
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