Monday, July 14, 2014

Ork Mek

After painting my Deff Dreads, I decided to continue painting Orky stuff. Unfortunately, most of the Ork stuff is sold out at my local shop so I have limited choices. 

Here is my Ork Mek. 

I am not sure how I feel about his skin. I think I can do it a bit better. Before my next model, I am going to watch a few tutorials for ideas. 

I also bought Moot Green. This was the first model I used it on. I absolutely love this color!

Before and Now

This weekend, I bought a new camera. I was just using my cell phone camera before. It works fine, but I wanted to get a pocket camera for our upcoming vacation. 

So, with this new camera, I decided to take some photos of my latest ork. Because the camera doesn't have a wifi connection to social media, I have to manually connect and copy my photos. 

When I did this, I actually came across some old photos that had been hidden and ignored in my files. I found a pile of my first or early painting projects. 

I only started painting about 2 or 3 years ago. I started in 2012 when I was bored at my old job. I didn't have many friends in that town and my girlfriend didn't live near me. 

So, I found out about 40k and a shop in Seoul that sold them. I didn't have any background in painting and I am not an overly artistic person. So, it was all new to me. 

Here are some of the photos I came across. 

One of the first things I bought was the Black Reach box set. I think a lot of these models are from that. I remember thinking that I had done a really good job on these models. 

Looking at them now, though...HA. That was some thick paint. I don't think I ever watered it down. And it also seems like I was addicted to Badab Black.  It seems like I did try to highlight some stuff here and there. I must have watch a few tutorials. 

It also seems like I had a very limited selection of colors at the time. 

I actually don't hate these bad models. They remind me of a time when I was just starting out and enjoying something new.  These days, I always want to do the best. And that bothers me sometimes because I am not. I think I have to just step back sometimes and remember to paint for fun. And that I'll gradually get better as time goes by. 

I remember this guy!  He was my first experiment with magnet arms and cork bases. Good times. 

I also found some pictures of my Librarian. There were many photos actually. I must have really liked my paint job. I remember spending a lot of time with him. 

I am also not sure why the photos look so bad. Maybe my old camera sucked. Maybe I didn't know how to use the macro mode. I have no idea. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014


I bought the Deff Dread box with two of them in it. The first Deff Dread turned out okay, but it was missing some stuff. I didn't wash the green body too much and I also didn't put much highlights into it. 

This time, I decided to try washing most of the model and then highlighting some of the red surfaces. 

I wanted to do an Iron Man scheme this time, so I mostly went with gold and red. 

You can see some blue tac under his left foot. This is because I put his legs off center. Once I actually do up the base, he will be glued down 

I screwed up a bit with my lighting idea. I didn't take enough time to actually think about where the light was coming from. It is something I have to think about next time. Still, I am happy with how the lighter red turned out on top. 

The arms were magnatized again. This time, I put the magnets in a better position on the upper two arms. They are more horizontal now instead of human like arms. 

I again splashed the model with blood. I loaded up he brush and blasted it onto the model with the airbrush. 

I screwed up with the engines or whatever they are on his back. I painted everything seperate and I didn't consider which engine would go into which space. Of course, the chose the wrong one and highlighted the wrong side. I may go back and fix it in time. 

Overall, I have had a fun week painting these. They are wicked models and they have a lot of character. Someone could really take their time and do a lot with the details on the guns. 

In all honesty, painting these two is kind of encouraging me to start an Ork 40k army. We'll see. 

Bye bye. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hulk Deff Dread

Lately, I haven't been enjoying painting Malifaux. The figures are quite tiny and I have painted too many humans recently. 

So, when I was at my local shop this weekend, I decided to purchase the double box of Deff Dreads. 

Although I don't play 40k, I have always loved Orks. I think they are incredibly fun to paint, they look great and mistakes when painting just add to their awesomeness. 

So, I bought these Dreads and decided to paint the first one with a classic Hulk scheme. 

It is hard to see in this picture, but I gave the can purple pants and I painted many of the other plates green. I also added a but of red here and there for good measure. 

The metallic parts are silver and screaming bell (my favorite metallic). 

Then I have the model a nice splash of rust and metal wear and tear. Finally, I blasted blood at it. 

I also magnetized a lot of the model. The four arms come off and so to the saws on the front of the arms. 

I did screw up quite a bit on the magnets with heir positioning, though. This was my first time to build the model and I foolishly didn't look at any reference pictures before hand. 

So, it was a bit of trial and error and I'll apply that to the next model. 

The next Dread scheme is am going to do is Iron Man. Ork Avengers, here I come.