Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ito Family Pt. 2

Here are another two members of the Ito family from Bushido. 

They are awesome models, but I am not sure if I did them justice. I tried to make them nice and bright, and that is when I ran into issues. Green was the obvious choice since they are connected to serpents. But I wanted to add another color and I decided to go with light blue for their armor plates. In the end, I think it looks okay, but certainly not the ideal color. 

Typically, I like using a lot of brown tones and silvers. This was a bit out of my comfort zone for sure. But I am sure it is good practice nonetheless. 

Here is Satoshi, the badass with a massive spear. 

Spears are actually an amazing weapon in Bushido as they grant the user first strike. This is particularly useful against a number of factions. 

And here is Takeji. In all honesty, I am not sure what he does yet. But I am sure he is awesome. 

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