Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ito Family Pt. 2

Here are another two members of the Ito family from Bushido. 

They are awesome models, but I am not sure if I did them justice. I tried to make them nice and bright, and that is when I ran into issues. Green was the obvious choice since they are connected to serpents. But I wanted to add another color and I decided to go with light blue for their armor plates. In the end, I think it looks okay, but certainly not the ideal color. 

Typically, I like using a lot of brown tones and silvers. This was a bit out of my comfort zone for sure. But I am sure it is good practice nonetheless. 

Here is Satoshi, the badass with a massive spear. 

Spears are actually an amazing weapon in Bushido as they grant the user first strike. This is particularly useful against a number of factions. 

And here is Takeji. In all honesty, I am not sure what he does yet. But I am sure he is awesome. 

Strange Robot Guy

When I bought my airbrush a few weeks ago, I also bought a model from the same shop to test the brush with. Well, when I got home I actually jumped right to WH models and ignored this model. I finally got around to it last night and I think it turned out fairly well. 

I am definitely getting better at putting on paint smoothly. The area I really have to work on is washes. I tend to blast a few areas a bit too hard and get some undesired effects that I have to cover up. 

I was planning to give this to my coworker for his son, but he thinks his son will destroy it. For now, it will be a classroom mascot until I find someone to give it to. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ito Family Pt. 1

So, I have been working on getting the models I have finally all painted up. I am sure most people that do this hobby can agree that the models start to pile up if you aren't painting on a regular basis. I actually really enjoy assembling the models when I first get them. I then prime them and usually let them sit for a while. 

The two models in today's post have been sitting on my desk for more than a month. I finally got around to them this week. 

I think they turned out okay, but I feel that some of the colors may be a bit overpowering or just poor choices. One obstacle that I have been trying to overcome is color choices. Since I don't have much of an art background and also since I am not overly artistic, I often find it difficult to choose colors that work well and also please me at the same time. 

So here is Kahime Ito. I purchased her for her range. My army previously was all melee and I felt that she would provide a nice bit of balance to my team. 

I think she looks okay overall, but I am not too sure about my blue choice. I keep trying to make blue and purple work on a lot of models and it never seems to come out how I imagined it. 

Here is Ayako Ito. I picked this model up to replace the lackluster caster I had from the base set. 

I really like how the white mask turned out on this model. My only problem with her is that she is a bit too green. I feel like I should probably change the color of her sleeves to help break up the green. Not sure if I will since I am lazy and once I have finished a model, I usually don't go back to it. I have to draw the line somewhere. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My New Toy

It was my birthday this week and I received a very a awesome gift from my loving girlfriend. She bought me an airbrush!!! 

It is my first time to use an airbrush. I actually don't have any art background whatsoever, but I am still really into painting models. I started painting Warhammer 40K about 3 years ago and I haven't really slowed down in the hobby at all. I am now painting Infinity, Malifaux, Bushido and Warhammer Fantasy models. 

It took me a long time to actually get into playing the games these models are used for, but I am happy to say that I have regular skirmish matches with Infinity. 

This is the first model I painted with the airbrush. 

I think this river troll turned out really well for my first try.  I love how smooth I am able to paint with the airbrush. I will still have to work on my masking, as some of the edges are a bit too sharp. I don't think it will matter too much on vehicles, but it is a little noticeable with fur and skin.