Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Two Face Goons

I rushed my last two models a bit this morning. They were two Two Face cronies. I ordered the starter set for Two Face, but it was out of stock. Only these two arrived. 

I wasn't sure how to paint these guys. The models were a little strange in places. I also wasn't sure if they should be split into the colors or not. I finally decided on this and I think they look okay for underlings. 

I would like to put in another Knight Model order, but a lot of places are out of stock. Hopefully some online stores will get stock soon. 

But, for now, I am gonna work on objective markets. 

I made this one quickly today. A Titan container. 

I should be able to finish it off tonight. 

Monday, June 8, 2015


I managed to finish Lobo this morning. I think I can still add a few details to his face, but I don't have a fine enough brush to do it at the moment. 

I was getting bored with my grey brick and rock bases, so I went with grass for this one. 

He was very quick to paint surprisingly. I thought I was going to spend much more time on it than I did. 

I have two more goon models to finish before I wrap up my first order of Knight Models. 

Solomon Grundy

Yesterday's project was Solomon Grundy. 

This is another very large model. The model is only a little smaller than Clayface. 

I was a little disappointed with his left arm. It had a huge gap between the body and the arm. It looked like a possible miscast, but I am unsure. I had to use a lot of green stuff to fix it up. 

I am very happy with how he turned out. However, after painting him, I noticed I made a pretty big mistake with his shirts. For some reason, I separated his outfit into three shirts, which really doesn't make much sense when you look at the model. I think I was supposed to paint his sleeves the same color as his jacket, but I thought they were different when I was painting. My easy explanation for this is that the yellow undershirt is actually a vest and his jacket sleeves have been torn off. Works for me. 

Overall, I am happy with him and cannot wait to use him in a game. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Black Mask Crew and some Cronies

I had a lot of free time this weekend, so I spent a good chunk of it painting my new Knight Model order. 

I decided to go with Black Mask and some of the other goons and gangsters that came with him. 

Highlighting the black faces was certainly the weirdest part and in the end, I don't think I did a great job. I actually painted the guy of the left's face probably 10 times. Finally I just settled on a blackish gray dry brushing. Good enough. 

These two are obviously much more colorful than the others. Nearing the end, I was getting tired of browns and grays. So, Mr.Red and Mr.Yellow were born. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015


My first order of Knight Models came in last night. 

I wanted to start with an easier model to help me get back into the swing of things. So, I decided to go with Clayface. 

First, the model is large and heavy. Unfortunately, it is very front heavy because of his stance. This will likely mean he'll have a tendency to tip over while playing. 

The model was very easy to paint. It is just a combination of browns with multiple washes. 

Then I did his face, which was just a few details. 

I like how the model turned out. It is simple, but looks sharp. My only concern is the tipping over thing when we put him in a game. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

DaClash Update

It has been more than two months. I took a long break after my last batch of Bushido models. I've had too many good PS4 games to enjoy. 

I am expecting a Knight Model Batman shipment soon, so I wanted to get the DaClash models I've had sitting around finished. 

Gobleon certainly turned out the best. 

I am happy with Jack as well. 

These ones were simple, but good enough. 

And finally Rambit. I am a little annoyed at how poorly I cleaning the flash on this model. Oh well. 

And this is my DaClash set. I doubt I'll be buying more. I will mostly just try to play it whenever I can.