Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A Lengthy Break

I have no been painting much over the last 3 or 4 months.  I have actually packed up all my paints and I am preparing to move around January.  I decided to hang up my brush for the time being and once things get settled, I will likely get back into painting.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Loeb and Police

I haven't been painting much, but I did manage to finish the Loeb box set for Batman this week. Hoping to use these guys this weekend. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Sarissa Buildings for Batman

Since Sunday, I have been busy painting 5 Sarissa buildings to use for our Batman board. 

They were pretty easy to do and took about 2 hours each. 

I simply primed the pieces black and then sprayed whatever color afterward. Everything was done with the airbrush. I tried using a brush, but it just didn't work. 

I still plan to add a few more details here and there. I also want to get started on some kind of road or gaming mat for these buildings. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

More Knight Models

I got my second order of Knight Models in last week. I've been trying to get a bunch of them painted for this week's upcoming games. 

I have since gone back and touched up The Huntress' face. I didn't notice the problem until I had looked at this picture. 

And the piggies. I didn't care for these models really and ended up painting them quickly. 

With all these models, I should be able to put together a decent Bat crew. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Two Face Goons

I rushed my last two models a bit this morning. They were two Two Face cronies. I ordered the starter set for Two Face, but it was out of stock. Only these two arrived. 

I wasn't sure how to paint these guys. The models were a little strange in places. I also wasn't sure if they should be split into the colors or not. I finally decided on this and I think they look okay for underlings. 

I would like to put in another Knight Model order, but a lot of places are out of stock. Hopefully some online stores will get stock soon. 

But, for now, I am gonna work on objective markets. 

I made this one quickly today. A Titan container. 

I should be able to finish it off tonight. 

Monday, June 8, 2015


I managed to finish Lobo this morning. I think I can still add a few details to his face, but I don't have a fine enough brush to do it at the moment. 

I was getting bored with my grey brick and rock bases, so I went with grass for this one. 

He was very quick to paint surprisingly. I thought I was going to spend much more time on it than I did. 

I have two more goon models to finish before I wrap up my first order of Knight Models. 

Solomon Grundy

Yesterday's project was Solomon Grundy. 

This is another very large model. The model is only a little smaller than Clayface. 

I was a little disappointed with his left arm. It had a huge gap between the body and the arm. It looked like a possible miscast, but I am unsure. I had to use a lot of green stuff to fix it up. 

I am very happy with how he turned out. However, after painting him, I noticed I made a pretty big mistake with his shirts. For some reason, I separated his outfit into three shirts, which really doesn't make much sense when you look at the model. I think I was supposed to paint his sleeves the same color as his jacket, but I thought they were different when I was painting. My easy explanation for this is that the yellow undershirt is actually a vest and his jacket sleeves have been torn off. Works for me. 

Overall, I am happy with him and cannot wait to use him in a game.