Wednesday, December 17, 2014


It has been a very long time since I painted something. 

I got a PS4 sometime in the fall and that distracted me for a long while. 

After that, I just didn't have the drive to paint anything. Well, that changed last weekend. 

I was in Seoul and came across a random Wolverine snap together kit. I impulsively bought it and at the time, I expected it to be prepainted. wasn't....

But, for some reason, seeing all those yellow pieces gave me a boost of energy to paint. 

I didn't take many pictures of the process unfortunately. 

I started with the head. Getting the colors for this piece were tricky. The head was supposed to be either purple or red. I wanted it to have a metallic look to it, though. So I bravely mixed copper, red and blue together and got the color for the armor. The face was also strange. It wasn't quite grey. I ended up mixing a dark silver and grey together to get that color. 

The battle damage was the fun part to paint. The model had tons of claw marks and dents. Fun stuff. 

Next, I did the body. This is where things went a little bad. I didn't want to snap the kit together and paint it as one piece as that would be very hard. So, instead, I left the pieces seperate. Since the kit is a snap together, that meant I couldn't put the two halves of each body part together. This resulted in some nasty lines all over the model. You can particularly notice this on the right glove. 

His head and claws came next. The head was tricky. I did the yellow and the skin tone before the black. I used blue tac to cover the yellow and skin and it worked for the most part. I did go a little over on the helmet's yellow. Still, I am happy with it. 

Then I finished up some things here and there and it was done. I think it looks sharp, especially from a distance. I still have to put the decal black stripes on him, but I am not sure if I'll bother...I hate decals. 

I think he looks pretty good on my front of my backlog of models to paint.